Researchers at Lund University can use agreements to publish open access with easy handling of the administrative processes and negotiated costs. Read more about the terms of the agreement here.
About the agreement
The agreement entitles open access publishing under negotiated terms in journals from Bioscientifica. Both open access journals and hybrid journals are included in the agreement.
The agreement is valid from January 1st, 2025.
The agreement covers all article types.
All articles are published with a CC BY license.
The corresponding author's affiliation with Lund University must be stated in the published article.
Find journals included in publishing agreements
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Workflow for authors
To facilitate publisher’s ability to identify researchers from organisations that are part of the agreement, please make sure of the following:
State your affiliation with Lund University in the article and, if possible, in the publisher’s manuscript submission system.
Use your institutional e-mail address (ending with “” or “”) when submitting the manuscript.
For questions about the agreement or open access publishing, please contact:
publicera [at] lub [dot] lu [dot] se (publicera[at]lub[dot]lu[dot]se)