About digital collections
Our digital collections are constantly growing. Though focusing on old, rare, and fragile documents, our ambition is also to create digital collections that reflect the diversity and richness of our physical collections, comprising manuscripts, maps, and printed books as well as photographs and images.
Our ambitions are:
- To increase access – digitisation makes our collections available to everyone, regardless of where you are located in the world.
- To increase usability – everything we publish digitally can be used without restrictions. All image files can be downloaded in high resolution. The images may be shared and republished, even in commercial contexts. However, we appreciate it if you acknowledge our work by including the phrase "Image: Lund University Library" when publishing images.
- To create new opportunities of research – digitisation makes it possible to explore the collections of the library and find research material you did not know existed. By using the same platform as several other large Swedish libraries use – ALVIN – we increase your chances of finding what you need but did not realize you needed.
- To increase cooperation – our digitisation is conducted in cooperation with researchers at Lund University and several other research libraries in Sweden. By collaborating, we better meet our users' real needs.
To order digitisations
You can order digitisation of any material from our physical collections – books, images, maps, manuscripts, and archival records.
We always reserve the right to make the ordered images publicly available in our digital collections. In this way, your order contributes to the growth of our digital collections and benefits all users.
For ordered images that can be made publicly available we give 50% discount on ordinary prices.
Please note that the lower price requires:
- That you order the complete document, including covers and blank pages.
- That the document is not copyright protected according to Swedish law, which in most cases means that the originator of the work has been dead for at least 70 years.
Your order is usually delivered as a high-resolution PDF file of the entire document. When applicable, we also offer OCR processing of the PDF file. At request, the individual tiff files may also be delivered.
We deliver the order through a download link sent by email when the digitisation is finished. The delivery time is usually within a month or, for larger orders, according to an agreed delivery schedule.
Payment is made by card, using our payment service DIBS, when the ordered material is ready for delivery.
To make an order or get an exact price on a particular work, please contact us at handskrift [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (handskrift[at]ub[dot]lu[dot]se).
Email: handskrift [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (handskrift[at]ub[dot]lu[dot]se)